When I visited LA UNION or ELYU or LU a few days ago, I can't help but be amazed. There were a lot of new developments both good and bad. It depends on how you look at it. There were new restaurants and places to visit in addition to old ones. Some upgraded, some stayed the same. I'm not saying I'm all for it but everything comes at a cost. In any case, together with friends, we visited MASA.

Roughly 5-10 minutes away from the main surf spot in LA UNION, MASA is from the same owners of BAREFOOT. MASA is the bakery to visit when you're in the area. The place is open air and blends in with the neighborhood. I believe, they converted an old house into a cafe shop.

They got a number of old school breads to choose from. The quality on each is quite phenomenal. You could compare them with high end bakeries in the metro but with affordable prices. In contrast to Barefoot, Masa is a more drink chill place. You could pick from a number of coffee or not so coffee drinks.

I went for the CALA-OG. Quite refreshing, this drink is calamansi juice mixed with tonic water.

For my snack, I had the NOTORIOUS PIG. Almost similar to sisig, there are tons of pork underneath all the vegetables. The veggies are similar to the ones you might see in a banh mi. Everything is packed into one of the freshly baked baguette. Splash a bit of lemon on it to cut the oiliness but it was so good.

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This place is a must visit on your way home. Why? You have to take some of the breads that they have to offer back to Manila. I would also suggest bringing a container to place them all in. The paper bag that they give might not be good enough for the long trip back. Protip: get an order of their brioche. PLUS, stock up on the donut. REALLY EFFING GOOD. Don't forget to eat at Barefoot. They use the same bread but has more dining choices and is right by the beach.
San Roberto Street. 2514
San Juan, La Union.
Opens at Thursday-Mondays
Disclaimer: wrote this based on my experience. Paid for my meal.