This holiday season two great restaurants join together to give back to their chosen charities. RACKS AND TENYA have both partnered with Habitat for Humanity and the Make-A Wish Foundation respectively. A portion of their special sets will be donated to these non-profit organizations.

In TENYA, they offer the WINTER SEAFOOD TENDON. These Christmas bowls could be customized and are priced for just Php 395. They have tiger prawn, soft shell crab, salmon and a few more tempura surprises.

For RACKS, they brought in the big guns by offering THE BACON CRUSTED PORK RIBS.

This baby might not look as appetizing as the other dishes but it's delicious and straightforward.

The saltiness of the bacon crust went perfectly well with the soft and tender meat of the rib. Add a little bit of their secret bbq sauce and you are good to go!

They also offer these for different number of diners and guests. Patrons dining alone could available of a quarter slab while big groups could go for a huge PLATTER! Remember to try ou their broccoli and cheese. It's a "healthy" surprise.

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RACKS and TENYA would be offering these items on their menu up until January 15, 2018 in all RACKS and TENYA BRANCHES.