Just last week, ACE HOTEL AND SUITES celebrated their 5th year in the industry. From the people that gave us ACE WATER SPA, they now have a hotel and suites that could cater to your every needs.

Time passes pretty fast. Who knew that ACE HOTEL AND SUITES is now 5 years old? Located on Brixton Street near Pioneer in Pasig, ACE HOTEL AND SUITES is strategically placed in a food haven. Here, there are many hole in the wall restaurants that could cater to your every fancy. More reasons for you to stay with them.

To celebrate the amazing 5 years that they have, guests were treated to scrumptious dishes and great entertainment. FREESTYLE came on over and did a couple of sets. Plus, different awards were given to distinguish guests and loyal patron of ACE HOTEL AND SUITES.

FOOD WISE, they know how to handle it. They came out with some mouth watering dishes such as roast beef, lechon, paella, ribs, and a lot more.

Drinks were free flowing and the appetizer and dessert spread were quite a lot.

Going back, they actually introduced a few things that might make you stay and dine at ACE HOTEL AND SUITES. First off, they have 50% off with regards to direct room bookings. A stay could start at Php 3,400 for stay dates from December 12-17. These rooms come with buffet breakfast, Ace Water Spa tickets, and more. Because it's their 5th Year anniversary, you could also get your second night at only 5Php. These vouchers could be bought only from December 12-17, 2017.

With regards to other amenities, they are selling vouchers and other low priced experiences. An example would be use of ACE WATER SPA facilities for only 275Php.

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You could take a look at ACE HOTEL AND SUITES for other promos and discounts that you could avail off this week. You could check them out at http://www.acehotelsuites.com/ and Facebook