For Filipinos, Hong Kong has been one of the first overseas destination one visits. As this is the closest out of the country place to have a vacation, it seems logical that it is the gateway to traveling abroad. Getting around is easy as pie with the MTR and other modes of transport. Plus, a number of the locals could speak in English and guide you on your way.

Yesterday, the Hong Kong Tourism Board launched a campaign to attract visitors to Hong Kong. Aptly coined as "BEST OF ALL IT'S IN HONG KONG", different avenues were shown as reasons to go back and enjoy everything HONG KONG has to offer. Aside from shopping, outdoor destinations, theme parks and family gatherings, one of the main reasons to visit HONG KONG would be the food. Thankfully 2016 ASIA'S BEST FEMALE CHEF, MARGARITA FORES was there to give everyone a taste of HONG KONG. Different dishes were served and created based on impressions and inspirations from Hong Kong delicacies.

To start, A CRAB TRIO SFORMATO was elegantly delivered. Inspired by the Shanghainese Hairy Crab and The Chairman, this is a rich and savory dish that gives crab a delicious name. After whetting the appetite, a HANDMADE EGG TAGLIERINI was done in an Asian Bolognese style. A cured goose liver sausage ragu gave the dish a little grasp and oily texture. Taste wise, the chutney pork made wonders along with the minced meat.

A little infusion of Filipino creativity was showcased with the SPICED US ANGUS SHORT RIB "ADOBO". Davao chocolate with Negros Cinnamon and Five Spice made the flavors pleasant and familiar. The tempura styled squash flowers were a surprise and fitting garnish to this dish.

To give presentaion a little flair, the SPOTTED PHILIPPINE GAROUPA was served in a cardboard box. Inspired by claypot rice, the Garoupa was done in such a way that it complimented the Cordillera Black Rice and the crunchy burnt version as well.

To end a lavish meal, the SALTED EGG PANNA COTTA and RED BEAN ENSAIMADA was served. Presented in such a way that a fusion of HONG KONG and FILIPINO flavors were done, this dish is a fitting tribute to sum up everything. The Salted Egg flavor was not like that of the usual powder version. Rather, it felt homey and a bit on the unrefined side. Not that it's not good thing, rather it was delicious. The red bean was a surprise. Inside the soft and cheesy bread, it wasn't overly sweet as such it was just right.

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HONG KONG keeps on giving more reasons to visit it again. Other than the culture and different adventure destinations, food is definitely a main draw. With the multitude of restaurants, one can't go wrong with visiting HONG KONG and having a fun time.