Wednesday, February 18, 2015


 More than beer, BROZEIT delivers amazing German Food Fare.

One of the places that I would love to go to would be GERMANY. The place intrigues me. It was once a super power that led the world into a world war. Aside from the historical importance of the place, I would like to understand their culture. I guess one of the biggest part of culture is food. Since I won't be able to travel to Germany anytime soon, I am thankful that BROZEIT brought some good old GERMAN FOOD and BEER.

Of course the beer, their beer is amazing. I can say that because some of the oldest brewery in the world came from them. 

Now, BROZEIT recently opened a new branch in Glorrieta. Aside from their Shangrila Branch, they have this amazing new one that has an outside bar. Great for al fresco dining and drinking.
Right infront of G5.

Perfect for that COLD ONE.

Lunch time and I arrive at the place and behold a cold one is right there for me.
This Weihenstephan is a premium one. It is one of the oldest brewery as it was open since 1040. Yes sir! That long. 

One of the most epic thing to do in a bar is prepare the beer. I was able to learn a thing or two of how to do it.
You get a glass and blast it with water to make sure that its clean and cool.
Tilt the glass 45 degress and fill  it up slowly.
The froth is there so that everything stays underneath. So you should drink the beer and not the top part.

Along with the KTG folks, we were able to try out some awesome new dishes from the team of BROZEIT.

We started off with some appetizers. The Cheese Fondue (900++ Php)

The cheese concoction is amazing. Thick and has that slight salty taste. Alongside with some amazing stuff to dip it in. Pretty amazing.
Olives, steak, sausages and pretzels. I liked the olives as it give a contrast to the beer you would be drinking. The steak is perfect with the cheese and so as the sausage.
If you aren't into those, the pretzel is the bread to partner the cheese with. Sarap!!!

Since it is the Lenten season, BROZEIT figured that they would make a few dishes that would cater to the public and partner them with a few beer.

We started off with FISCHKLOPSE SASSNITZER ART (390Php). I know the names of the dishes at BROZEIT may be a mouthful for us Filipinos but they sure are delicious and interesting.
Sassnitz seafood with roasted vegies and lemon butter sauce. The butter sauce is definitely a joy to eat. Partnered with the ball like dish, the TAP1 : Mein Blondes is the perfect one for us light lovers. The taste is refreshing and not too heavy nor bitter. 

The KREUTERKRUSTETE KABELJAUS (590Php) is herb crusted cod fish with beer infused risotto.
Different if you ask me. On top is a parmesan crisp. The Cod had a different texture as it had a herb crust. The risotto has a distinct flavor as it was beer infused. Tap4: Mein Grunes is the best colleague for this dish.
Full bodied and perfect for fish dishes.

One of my favorites is the MEERFRUCHTESFLECKERIN (450Php) or backed seafood pasta.
The pasta was perfectly cooked. Light yet filling. Partnered with Weihenstephan Lager. It makes a deadly combination.

THUNFISCH (450Php) seared tuna with pesto wild rice.

The pesto rice is amazing. You could smell and taste the fresh herbs with every bite. The Tuna is cooked just right.
You could have this dish with a Paulaner original dunkel lager. A bit too dark for me but it goes well with the dish.

The perfect way to end the meal was dessert.
However sweet it may be, an assortment of fresh fruits and some Kaiserschmarrn or emperor's pancake dipped in a special chocolate fondue is addictive and delicious. 
The choco dip is made with valrhona chocolate and some special Filipino made chocolate. The Chef wouldn't want to give out the secret ingredient but it was delicious.
We even mixed the left over chocolate with some coffee and it was great.  

The food was spot on and perfect for your beer loving frenzy. It was great of BROZEIT to think about the market and added some seafood dishes for this lenten season. The quality of the beer they served alongside with the awesome dishes makes it stand out. Admittedly, it may be a bit expensive when you drink and dine here. BUT, the service and the quality you get definitely makes up for it. 

Also for the CHINESE NEW YEAR, they have this:
I am eyeing that Jaeger shot!! Damn!


Glorietta 4, Ayala Center, Makati City
(632) 893-2815

Shangrila Mall
 G/F Near the driveway.
Unit 112 Edsa Shangrila Plaza Mall
(632) 893-2815

Disclaimer: Was invited to try out these new stuff from BROZEIT. I wrote this based on my experience and opinions.

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