Wednesday, January 21, 2015

CRYSTAL JADE BGC: What the Chef Recommends

New Year, New Life and awesome new dishes in CRYSTAL JADE DINING IN.

When I am in BGC, I can't help but suggest CRYSTAL JADE as the place to go to for Chinese Food. The vibe is relaxing and this is where you could do those power lunches or hold some family dinners.

Since it was a new year, CRYSTAL JADE wanted to let us try their new offerings. I was definitely not going to miss this event as I was floored the last time I went and tried out their thanksgiving dishes (CLICK HERE) Just in time for the Chinese New Year!!!
For the first time, I was able to try  YU SHENG (LO HEI) or PROSPERITY TOSS.
Different ingredients that represent good luck and fortune. The thing to go about it was to use chopsticks and toss the ingredients high. 
and this is what you get.
Fresh ingredients all tossed up. The dressing was on the sweet side but it definitely tasted good.

Then they brought out the duck. ROASTED PEKING DUCK. Look at that beauty.
Look at that skin.
Yes that skin. Juicy and fat!
Then, they placed it in those pancake wrappers. The perfect way to eat it all. 

 Another way they served the duck was to make noodles with it. BRAISED NOODLES with SHREDDED DUCK MEAT and MUSHROOMS.
For soup, we had the DOUBLE-BOILED FISH with white fungus and papaya.
I am not really a fish soup eater but I will make an exception for this one. The papaya was soft and the fish meat felt as if it was beef. It was that freaking good. I would go back for this!

We were then served SESAME BALLS. Stuffed with fresh mushroom.
When these were brought to our table, I thought that they were BUCHI. In a way, they were. Instead of sweet gooey insides, bits of mushrooms were in it. Although I little oily, I wouldn't mind getting them again.
We were also able to try CRISPY PRAWN with sliced apples.
The sauce was sweet and sour and the meat was juicy and tender. Not overcooked.

Another fish dish was the STEAMED GAROUPA with OLIVE.
Although it looked pretty and the fish was definitely fresh, it lacked the olive flavor. It was there but a bit subtle. I would have wanted more of that flavor.

Needless to say, I didn't pay attention to much to the assorted veggies. These were sauteed and I just gave my part to others the group. Just because.

The Coffee Jelly bites were a perfect way to end the meal.
They were firm yet weren't dry. I liked the coffee flavor. YUMMY~!

More than the place and the vibe, CRYSTAL JADE in BGC has been a go to resto for straight up Chinese food. Cooked and served right, you won't go wrong with them. Even if it is a little pricey dining here, you would definitely get your due with the quality and the service.

30th St Cor 7th Avenue
(02) 808-5233

Disclaimer: was invited to try out the new dishes. Thanks a lot Kenneth and Crystal Jade for having us.  Wrote this post based on my opinion and experience.


  1. More than the taste of the blended ingredients, what I like in yusheng is the traditional act of mixing those food altogether in a plate with friends and family. Not many Chinese restaurants here offer that. Was there a staff of the restaurant that went on explaining the meaning of each ingredient? In our family custom, we say the Chinese expressions for good luck and fortune, long life, etc. before eating! :)

  2. thats amazing roch.. i didnt know that.. me not being chinese.. just partly hehehe :) cheers
