Monday, December 1, 2014

MAD FOR PIZZA: More than Just Pizza

Every pizza lover dream is to make a pizza with their own toppings and be able to get that  flavor they long for every single time.

MAD FOR PIZZA makes that dream come true without the hassle of doing the after cleaning and prepping all that ingredients before hand. No lines and with more choices, MAD FOR PIZZA could make a snack into a meal. I like how other than pizza, they also serve dishes that caters to the Filipino palette. 

One Saturday lunch, along with the awesome Photog Euge of HEFTY FOODIE, I was able to try this restaurant out.

To get away from the heat, we were served FROZEN ICED TEAM (88Php) first.
Quite a surprise. It was big and refreshing.

We also had an APPETIZER SAMPLER (368Php)

From nachos, fried calamari and buffalo wings, this platter was able to give everything in one go. I liked the chicken as it had the right amount of heat and fried just right. Perfect with rice. The squid rings were also a delight. The nachos, on the other hand, needed more oomph as it was too generic for me. Maybe an upgrade in the sauces would have made it better. This is just me thinking out loud.

Up next, the AMBOY is an amazing dish. It is Angus Beef Belly served in adobo sauce (248Php).
The beef belly was properly marinated that it had that adobo kick. The meat was cooked just right but it was still very tender and juicy. Perfect for the belly lover.

Of course being a pizza lover, I needed to make one. YAY! Making it the easy way, all I needed to do was check from a list then boom! Done!
I honestly didn't take note what I did but it tasted A okay! Got mushrooms, cheese, sweet ham and some capers and more..
Picking the right type of meat to cheese to veggies and getting that ratio is perfect for any pizza addiction. A tip that I learned was that, putting too much topping could make or break the pizza. So don't over do it.

One thing new that I found out when I visited was that they are now offering party trays. All good for 20 persons. Perfect for the holidays and those office parties. Because yes just like you, I am too tired to cook for that potluck and they know this all too well.
From bolognese to chicken crisper to bannoffee, almost all the party favorites under one roof. Everything interesting and affordable.

 MAD FOR PIZZA offers a different take on pizza. As, it lets you choose and pick whatever you want to add to get that perfect pizza. Although, it may take a bit to get the pizza cooked, you are able to properly choose the flavors and ingredients you put in. Aside from pizza, they also serve other dishes that would make your visit interesting. Better yet, they now give you a chance to make your life easier with their party trays. Budget 300-500 Php per visit.

2nd Floor Ill Terrazzo
Tomas Morato, Quezon City
(02) 3512621

All are good for 20 Pax
 Party Trays
Baked Macaroni
BBQ Spareribs
Chicken crispers
House Salad
Hawaiian Punch Salad
Mango Panna cotta

Disclaimer: Wrote this post based on my experience. Was invited on over to try out their menu.


  1. Your food shots look incredibly good! :) I brought my boyfriend here one time and he was the first one to go back--with his friends. The freedom to choose unli toppings heightens the thrill of dining.

    I didn't know they're offering party trays. These are really perfect for potluck sessions in company Christmas parties.

    1. Hey Roch! thanks a lot! Compliment coming from you, well that makes my day! ... choosing what to put on the pizza is the deal breaker. It is a nice place to just relax and dine and quite affordable.
      They just had the trays a couple of weeks back just in time for the party season. ...

      :D :D :D

  2. Inubos mo yan lahat? Chos. :) I love Mad for Pizza. Hope they'll open up a branch near my workplace. :P

    1. uhm actually.... hahahahaha joke... ^_^ yeah.. it is a nice concept
