Monday, September 29, 2014

BOROUGH in my Heart. Podium's 24/7 LATE NIGHT EXPERIENCE

BOROUGH has been my go to "always open restaurant" in the metro. They offer comfort food and a sense of privacy when it comes to having an awesome meal in the middle of the night

A million times and a million times more. These has been my cry every time I encounter great food. That's why I always go here during my ups and my down.

FRIES in a BASKET (150Php) - A whole basket of fries. Served with Borough's Special Odessa Sauce
One dip and you will love it. I found myself not stopping. Not too oily but definitely OMG!

GRILLED CHEESE and TOMATO SOUP (280Php) - Grilled cheese in homemade brioche bread. Tomato Soup

Over and over again. Cheesy cheese in between properly toasted bread. Effective in getting the tomato soup. Think of it as your sponge! YUMMY!

FRIED CHICKEN and WAFFLES (290Php) - Quarter chicken cured in Sweet tea. Paired with pumpkin waffle. Served with Maple Syrup Gravy and roasted pecan butter.

A little pricey but the flavors make up for it. The waffle crisp outside makes it a delight. The chicken parts were a bit small so it maybe a hit or miss as you do pay a hefty sum for it.

CHEESE-INJECTED PORTOBELLO PITA POCKET (340Php) -  Portobello Mushroom oozing with Monterey Jack in a Pita Pocket. Served with Chips.
Soft pita bread. The cheesy goodness gushes out of the mushroom. Holy cow. Remembering it makes me salivates.
See the cheese!!! That is how good it is!
Yes, this has been my 4th or 5th post that has Borough all over it. But, I just can't help and write up about something that I enjoy. Even if it is a little pricey, for something like this awesome comfort place, I would definitely go back for more.....Now I can't wait to visit its brother "THE BOWERY" in BGC.

Ground Floor Podium
Open 24/7 except for Early Monday Morning. (12mn onwards)
Disclaimer: Paid for our meal, wrote this based on my experience and opinion.


  1. Those looked really delicious. They should be consumed in moderation and must not be introduced in the middle of the night! It's difficult not to be tempted seeing those sinful comfort food! I'm particularly enticed with the cheese-injected portobello pita pocket. Haha. :P

    1. uhm its healthy because its a mushroom ... hahahahaha!!! kidding !!! seriously though, these are sinful, epic comfort food that is best eaten int he middle of the night bwhahahahahaha !!!!
