There's something about getting a decent drink and having fun at LONG BAR in RAFFLES MAKATI. For happy hour, one can't go wrong when you want to go all out.

LONG BAR has been a cornerstone of drinking and letting loose when you're at RAFFLES MAKATI. You can't go wrong with any drink and it's quite fun to actually sit at the bar and talk with friends and loved ones.

Other than having my usual favorite drink, the COPY KATH, it's always a must to ask ORMAN what he could make. You see, this guy is the award winning bartender that the LONG BAR has. He can mix and match and create a drink just for you.

For that rainy day, he made RAIN or SHINE. His creation and competition submission for the BACARDI LEGACY.

Something different yet very easy to drink. This refreshing take on bacardi and some other mixes is a sure fire hit with the ladies and gents alike.

Alongside the drinks, food is never a problem in the LONG BAR.

From seared TUNA to Fries and chorizo and even weird yet delicious combination pizza, you'll definitely have a gastronomic time.

Special mention must be given to the PIZZA. This salmon with balsamic glaze is just a masterful rendition. The crust is not too thin nor thick. The salmon is smokey and the cheese was amazing. Definitely a must get.

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With a laid back atmosphere, LONG BAR equates to relaxation. The HAPPY HOUR isn't too bad as well.
Mireio: More than just French Cuisine.
Raffles: Afternoon Tea
Raffles and Fairmont: Happy Hour and Oysters
Spectrum Sunday Seafood Brunch
Spectrum Sunday Brunch at The Ranch
Ground Floor
Makati Ave, Makati City,
Metro Manila
Disclaimer:Wrote this based on my experience.